Informatică și Tehnologia Informației

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Courses in this category

Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) ITI10 – Aplicatii pentru birotica si comunicare
Ildiko Revnic - Romanian
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) ITI100 – Programare avansata
Honoriu Valean - Romanian
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) ITI110 – Programarea interfetelor grafice
Damian Mihai - Romanian
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) ITI120 – Arhitecturi de aplicatii software
Damian Mihai - Romanian
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) ITI130 – Retele de calculatoare
Farcas Felix - Romanian
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) ITI140 – Sisteme de operare
Farcas Felix - Romanian
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) ITI150 – Absolvire
Ildiko Revnic - Romanian
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) ITI20 – Tehnologia Informatiei
Ildiko Revnic - Romanian
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) ITI30 – Programarea calculatoarelor
Liviu Miclea - Romanian
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) ITI40 – Structuri de date si algoritmi
Miclea Liviu, Damian Mihai - Romanian
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) ITI50 – Proiectarea bazelor de date relationale
Ildiko Revnic - Romanian
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) ITI60 – Aplicatii cu baze de date
Ildiko Revnic - Romanian
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) ITI70 – Crearea interfetelor grafice ale aplicatiilor web
Damian Mihai, Sanda Toma - Romanian
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) ITI80 – Aplicatii in arhitectura client-server
Revnic Ildiko, Sanda Toma - Romanian
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) ITI90 – Programare orientata pe obiecte
Honoriu Valean - Romanian
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) MET1 – Metodica predarii informaticii
Bal Carmen - Romanian
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) MET2 – Metodica predarii tic
Carmen Bal, Ioana Iuhos - Romanian

Inapoi la categoria superioara

Administrator for Cursuri : Ildiko Revnic
Bazat pe Claroline © 2001 - 2013